Hello from the Other Side...
there! Welcome to Parenting on Pennies! I’d like to take a moment to introduce
myself. I’m a former educator and brand-new stay at home mom (SAHM for those of you out of that
loop!) to a six-month-old baby girl. Parenting is exhausting, hard…and expensive. I wanted to write a blog that
would help parents-to-be, new parents, old parents, grandparents, stay at home parents, working parents, and even non-parents save
money as they navigate this crazy world.
journey with penny pinching began in May 2013 when I
started binge-listening to the Dave Ramsey Show podcast. At the time, my husband and I were
in debt, making hardly any money and in need of a change. We became debt free September 26, 2016. The journey into debt freedom made me realize that I was insanely passionate about budgeting (see also:
NERD). Not a Dave fan? No worries. I'm just here to provide some helpful ways you can save money and budget. I'm not here to recruit.
Thank you so much for visiting this blog. For those of you struggling with debt, know that it is possible to make it to the other side. It isn't easy, but it can be done!
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