Do the Hustle

Hello again, friends! A couple of posts ago, I wrote about heavily pursuing a work from home opportunity. At the time, I didn't want to say too much about my new side hustle about to turn full on hustle as I was still filling out paperwork and finalizing everything. But now, I can tell you all that I am an ESL teacher with VIPKid tutoring - a fun (and growing!) company based in Beijing, China.

So, before I get into my experience so far with VIPKid, I'll give you some of my personal history with them. I started seeing Facebook ads a couple of years ago about this work-from-home company where you're paid to teach English to Chinese students in your spare time. I began researching them and there are so, so, SO many people out there who have worked for VIPKid for years and they know the ins, outs, and everything in between with the company. As I researched more about VIPKid, I wondered if I could do it. The hours are kind of wonky (time difference), the kids are younger (anywhere from 4 - 12) and of course, you have to limit what you say to them as they are learning a new language.

Around this time last year, I was 9 months pregnant and had completed a VIPKid profile. As I got further along in the process, I saw that you had to do an interview with a mock lesson. I talked myself out of it and put it off because a. it totally put me out of my comfort zone and b. the people in the demonstration videos were so so goofy. I am not an elementary education teacher for a reason. I wasn't sure just how bubbly and silly I could be in the interview. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, a fellow church parishoner posted about teaching for VIPKid. Then, my good friend asked me if I'd heard of the company. I took this as a big sign/push to finalize the I did just that!

So here's what I will tell you about the VIPKid hiring process/working for them (so far):
1. The hiring process is rigorous. 
There's the initial interview. That one is a big deal because it sets your pay rate. Then, there's your follow up mock interviews that certify you to teach certain levels. Then, there's all the paper work, scanning of documents and a background check. Oh and then you need to make a short introductory video and submit some different pictures of yourself.

2. The hiring process if time sensitive
If you want to maintain sanity, don't do this in the middle of a move. They expect everything to get finalized in about ten days. I had to submit an initial video and photos that I wasn't thrilled with so they could process everything. I had to go back and redo them to make me look like a fairly normal (yet engaging) human being that wasn't in the middle of lifting heavy furniture and boxes.

3. Mock lessons are intimidating
I practiced. I had props ready. I did everything. I had to redo one of my mock lessons again (which I figured I would because I flubbed it so bad and couldn't regroup). I put a lot of time and effort into the lessons and it was a very nerve-wracking experience.

4. Be prepared to be out of your comfort zone
Between mock lessons and teaching grown ups that are pretending to be kids, it's all a very strange process. Prepare to push your own boundaries!

5. Bookings can be slow at first
I found out that I am very lucky to have gotten booked so soon after all of my paperwork cleared. I put up a silly video and redid my initial pictures which I think majorly helped. If you've been up and running for a week and still no bookings, it may be time to "rebrand" and update your page or play around with your time slots.

So far, I have really enjoyed this experience! The prep work is minor (the lessons are already planned) and I don't have to leave my home. I even got PreVIP (preschool) certified because they a. needed teachers and b. it looked like so much fun!

I'm trying to really push myself and open as many time slots as I can. I know once summer hits, I can open up a lot more with Mr. Pennies not having to work every day. My one regret with this process is not having started sooner. The whole goal was for me to work from home this year. I haven't worked from home at all. I've worked outside of the home part time which meant having to coordinate childcare as well as some other scheduling conflicts. I'll add that I have an AMAZING support system of relatives and people around us that gladly (and willingly!) take on The JuJuBe, but I have felt like I've asked too much at times. I'm so glad that next year I can work from home and just be a mom - like we originally planned.

So what will we do with my VIPKid income? We will a. tithe (10% off the top!), b. withhold taxes (eye roll), c. use it to fund retirement, d. pay towards our mortgage and e. use the rest as we see fit. It has been a long time since I've been so excited about a job. If you've been toying with the idea of working for VIPKid, just do it already! You'll have a blast! Thanks for stopping by. 


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