Counting Your Pennies...and Your Blessings
Hi, friends! I thought I would do a different kind of post where I discuss gratitude.
This week in the world of the Pennies is a doozy: The JuJuBe turned one year old! I can't believe it. I feel like we just came home yesterday from the hospital. And, for Orthodox Christians, this is our Holy Week. Both of these events have really made me want to pause and express gratitude.
I am so grateful for:
1. Our faith
Our journey into Orthodoxy started almost three years ago. I can only speak for myself here when I say that the major draw for me to the church was something our Presbytera (priest's wife) said. She said, "Orthodoxy is more than just a church. It's a way of life." She's 100% correct here. It is a way of life. I am so grateful that we found our church. I love it dearly. Holy Week in particular magnifies just how much of a part of life it is.
2. Our friends and family
Oh my goodness. This doesn't just extend to Mr. Pennies and The JuJuBe, though there isn't a second that goes by where I'm not glad I have them in my life. Our family and friends have been so wonderful this past year. They have helped us watch and entertain The JuJuBe. They have helped us move. They have helped us with our home in so, so, SO many ways. Oh my gosh. We are insanely blessed with the love and support we have.

3. Our jobs
This past year has been such a year of change. There are days when I really miss teaching in a classroom. Mr. Pennies still teaches in one. This year, I got to teach some great students in a totally different setting - in a homeschool classroom. It was wonderful. This next year, I will be switching over to exclusively teaching ESL online at VIPKID. My experience so far with this company has been a positive one! I was so slow to get everything started with VIPKID that I'm kicking myself! I should've gotten started SO much sooner! It's that much fun!
4. Our goals
This seems like such a strange thing to be grateful for, but I am so grateful Mr. Pennies and I have goals that align. It isn't just our financial goals, but it is also the goals we set for our family. It is important to both of us that I can be home and raise The JuJuBe. I cannot express how grateful I am that I am actually able to do this. Some days are definitely harder than others, and as we're now exploring the world of tantrums, there are some very difficult days ahead. But I am so glad for this opportunity.
Thank you for stopping by! I am VERY grateful to any and all blog readers. See you next time!
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